Hayley Price-Kelly
I'm a Program Manager for the NAP Gloabl Network, based at its Secretariat: the International Institute for Sustainable De...
sNAPshot: Grenada’s Approach to Initiating Sector Integration of Adaptation Considerations
This sNAPshot looks at how Grenada initiated sectoral integration of adaptation considerations, and how this compares with approaches that other countries are taking.
sNAPshot: Philippines’s Approach to Initiating Sector Integration of Adaptation Considerations
This sNAPshot looks at how the Philippines initiated sectoral integration of adaptation considerations, and how this compares with approaches that other countries are taking.
sNAPshot: Jamaica’s Approach to Initiating Sector Integration of Adaptation Considerations
This policy brief looks at how Jamaica initiated sector integration of adaptation considerations in the NAP process.
Using NDCs and NAPs to Advance Climate-Resilient Development
This article proposes a framework for mapping out the links between National Adaptation Plan (NAP) processes and Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs).
sNAPshot: Domestic public finance for implementation of NAPs
This policy brief introduces the topic of using domestic public finance for the implementation of National Adaptation Plan (NAP) processes.