Penny Bowen
The Japan-Caribbean Connection – The Transfer of Agrotechnology from Japan to the Caribbean
This case study highlights the key points and insights in relation to the North-South and South-South transfer of technology necessary for a more resilient agricultural sector in the Caribbean.
Suriname’s Community-Based Communication Initiatives
This case study highlights the results of the UN Development Programme’s Japan-Caribbean Climate Change Partnership (UNDP J-CCCP) initiative in Suriname.
Insights and Takeaways from the “Let’s A.C.T. Saint Lucia” Communication Campaign
This case study highlights the key points, takeaways and insights of the national multi-tiered climate change awareness campaign "Let’s A.C.T. Saint Lucia" undertaken in 2018.
Developing Saint Lucia’s National Adaptation Plan
This case study outlines the process taken by the Saint Lucia government to create a National Adaptation Plan as a part of its response to climate change.