Hydraulic and Hydrology Expert
Javier FLUIXA-SANMARTIN is a Civil Engineer and PhD in Hydraulic Engineering with over 10 years of national and international experience in hydrology and hydraulic modeling, dam risk management and climate change adaptation.
He works since 2014 at the Centre de Recherche sur l'Environnement Alpin (CREALP), Switzerland, as a project manager on the implementation of flood forecasting systems, on the development of data analysis tools, and on varied hydrological and hydraulic projects.
He has also collaborated for 4 years (2009-2013) with the Hydraulic and Environmental Department of the Polytechnic University of Valencia (UPV), Spain, where he helped develop a dam risk analysis tool and applied it to numerous dams in Spain.
Javier has lead projects at national and international level in the fields of flood management, water resources assessment and climate change adaptation, and he is currently responsible for the development and maintenance of the flood forecasting system for the Canton of Valais (Switzerland).
He has also managed projects in Cameroon, China, Ecuador, Peru and Spain in the field of risk management. He has set up a flood forecasting system for the Peruvian (SENAMHI) and Ecuadorian (INAMHI) National Hydrological Services and participated in the development of early warning systems.
He also develops computer tools for data processing and analysis. And since 2018, he is the head of the Communication group at CREALP where he manages and carries out communication and dissemination tasks such as seminars and courses on hydrological and hydraulic modeling for universities, research centers or public institutions.
Joined 2018
Sion, Switzerland