Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Post Doctoral Fellow
Dr. Joanne Taylor is an environmental anthropologist and political ecologist. Funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, Dr. Taylor's doctoral research investigates not only colonial settler but Indigenous food security and food sovereignty paradigms in the Creston Valley of British Columbia during the renegotiation of the bilateral Columbia River Treaty. Joanne also investigates and envisions governance models within the Columbia River Basin where Indigenous epistemologies are foregrounded in a potential International River Basin Organization. Currently, Joanne is a SSHRC Post-Doctoral Fellow at The University of British Columbia where she is conducting research in agricultural adaptation to climate change in the Cariboo and Okanagan Regions of BC. She continues to explore the effects of climate change on food systems while also analyzing the effects of industrial agriculture on climate change. She lives in the Okanagan Valley with her family.
Joined 2022
Kelowna, BC, Canada