Programme Coordinator
I am a graduate of Disaster Management from the Tata Institute of Social Sciences. My two years masters course entailed understanding natural and human induced disasters from a socioeconomic and political perspective to get in understanding how inherent vulnerabilities existing in communities exposed to hazards can influence the intensity of disasters on its occurrence.
Prior to my role as Programme Coodinator in Integrated Mountain Initiative, I designed and managed projects under environment department at the Tata Chemicals Society for Rural Development. My projects forcused on strengthening community based climate change adaptation, and biodiversity conservation of endangered flora and fauna in one of the remote regions of Gujarat, India. My work entailed me to help facilitate and strengthen climate vulnerable communities through community based institutions and enable them to adapt to climate change in sectors such as agriculture, natural resources management, non-farm livelihoods and environment conservation. The idea of the projects was to make these communities resilient and adapt to the effects of cliamte change.
Joined 2015