Kate Kloppers
I hold the position of Senior Science Engagement Officer at CSAG, UCT. My current interests include multi-disciplinary and...
CSAG Climate Frontiers Podcast Series
Listen to this series of podcasts hosted by the Climate Systems Analysis Group (CSAG) at the University of Cape Town. These are conversations between researchers and partners across Africa and globally, covering a range of topics from climate science to social science and philosophy.
FRACTAL Learning – Adaptation Inspiration Cases in Africa Summary
This is a summary article signposting the FRACTAL Learning modules 1-6 on inspirational adaptation cases in Africa.
FRACTAL Learning – Adaptation Inspiration Theme Module 6
This provides a summary of FRACTAL learning course on Adaptation Inspiration held in 2018, developed by SEI, CSAG UCT and other partners using inspirational cases from across Africa.
FRACTAL Learning – Adaptation Inspiration Theme Module 1
Adaptation Inspiration Theme: Introduction to the first theme of the FRACTAL WhatsApp Learning platform - focused on adaptation action in four African cities.
FRACTAL Learning – Adaptation Inspiration Theme Module 4
FRACTAL Adaptation Inspiration Module 4: Tackling Water Insecurity in a Changing Climate in Lesotho