Léa Doumenjou
I am the Africa Climate Change Resilience Alliance (ACCRA) programme officer since September 2013, but I've been involved ...
Lessons learned from the development of the Local Adaptation Plans in Mozambique: It’s about cooperation and integration
In Mozambique, the efforts of the Ministry of Coordination and Environmental Affairs (MICOA) together with civil society actors to put communities at the center of climate change adaptation planning are now paying off, with the first Local Adaptation Plan (LAP) being approved by the government of Mozambique in Guija district.
How can Ethiopia do better at mitigating disaster risk and adapting to climate change?
Manish Kumar shares key recommendations that can help Ethiopia improve its mechanisms to plan for and respond to unexpected weather events.
Promoting Local Adaptive Capacity: Experiences from Africa and Asia
Using a local adaptive capacity framework as a starting point, this research paper analyses 7 case studies from across Africa and Asia that represent a range of different interventions.
Planning for the future and adapting to climate change in Ethiopia – Lessons from ACCRA
ACCRA helps decision makers and planners to better prepare themselves for the future using the Flexible and Forward-Looking Decision Making (FFDM) approach in Ethiopia.
Planning for the future and adapting to climate change in Mozambique – Lessons from ACCRA
ACCRA helps decision makers and planning better prepared for the future using the Flexible and Forward-Looking Decision Making (FFDM) approach in Mozambique.