Lawrence Flint
Lawrence Flint is Coordinator of Research into Climate, Vulnerability and Adaptation at Environmental Development Action (...
What are the stages that a CBA project might pass through on its journey towards adaptation action and what questions should be asked at each stage?
Stages that a CBA project might pass through on its journey towards adaptation action: 1. Recognising risk: preliminary meetings with...
Lyambai Workshop objectives
Objectives 1. Creating a stage on which representatives from vulnerable rural communities in case study village clusters can present their...
Lyambai Vulnerability and Adaptation Project Workshop
Context Oxen ploughing rice field in Limulunga (identified by the community as an adaptation option). Photo M. Monde Mongu is...
Lyambai Vulnerability and Adaptation Project (LYVA)
This is a description of the project, please see the page on the workshop report for the most recent details...
Lyambai project workshop strengths and weaknesses
Identified strengths The workshop succeeded in bringing together a wide cross-section of community stakeholders in a single forum to discuss...