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Michael Farrelly

Based in Dar es Salaam, I work for Tanzania Organic Agriculture Movement. TOAM is a partner in the Chololo Ecovillge proje...
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A Community Assessment of Climate Change Innovations in Chololo Ecovillage

Case Study Ouranos Energy Using weADAPT as its foundation, Ouranos developed a website with an interactive, web-accessible database that pools and disseminates information on energy sector adaptation. Resulting from its project, “Adaptation Case Studies in the Energy Sector – Overcoming Barriers to Adaptation” the “Energy Adaptation Map” will eventually include information from roughly 200 case studies. Harnessing weADAPT’s technology, the Energy Adaptation Map immediately benefits from existing weADAPT website traffic, social media activity and links back into weADAPT’s knowledge base where relevant.
Michael Farrelly Published a Case-study

Chololo Ecovillage

A model of good practice in climate change adaptation and mitigation Tanzania Organic Agriculture Movement is part of a team...

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