Senior Researcher
Phil Graham, PhD, Assoc.Professor, is a senior researcher and international projects manager with over 25 years experience in water resources management, hydrology, hydraulics and climate science spanning from village water supply in rural Africa to advanced modelling tools. Present focus on climate analyses and impacts to hydrological systems. Project manager for “Capacity Building for Meteorological Services in Botswana,” technical cooperation with the Botswana Ministry of Environment, Wildlife & Tourism. WP leader in the EU-funded ECLISE Project (Enabling Climate Information Services for Europe). Principal investigator for EU-funded SAWA (Strategic Alliance for Integrated Water Mngmt Actions) and CPA (Climate Proof Areas) projects. Conducted analysis of climate change projections and hydrological modelling of impacts to the Thukela River (South Africa) in PAMO Project (Participatory Modelling for Assessment of Climate Change Impacts on Water Resources). Lead SMHI’s hydrological impacts studies in the EU ENSEMBLES Project (Ensemble-based Predictions of Climate Changes & their Impacts). WP leader in the EU-funded PRUDENCE Project (Prediction of Regional scenarios & Uncertainties for Defining European Climate Change Risks & Effects).
Joined 2011
Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute