Paul Watkiss
UNEP Adaptation Gap Report 2024: Come hell and high water
The Adaptation Gap Report (AGR) 2024 provides its annual assessment on progress in adaptation planning, implementation and finance. It shows that, while inching forward on adaptation planning, collectively developing countries are falling behind on implementation because of the enormous gap between adaptation finance needs and flows.
Underfinanced. Underprepared. UNEP Adaptation Gap Report 2023.
UNEP’s Adaptation Gap Report 2023: Underfinanced. Underprepared – Inadequate investment and planning on climate adaptation leaves world exposed finds that progress on climate adaptation is slowing when it should be accelerating to catch up with rising climate change impacts.
The Economic Cost of Climate Change in Europe: Synthesis Report on COACCH Interim Results
This document synthesises the latest results from the COACCH project on the economic costs of climate change in Europe by sector and socio-economic tipping points.
The Economic Cost of Climate Change in Europe: Synthesis Report on State of Knowledge and Key Research Gaps
This report reviews current knowledge and knowledge gaps on the economic costs of climate change in Europe, including the costs of inaction and socio-economic tipping points.
CO-designing the Assessment of Climate CHange costs (COACCH)
The COACCH project will produce improved downscaled assessment of the risks and costs of climate change in Europe that can be accessed directly by research, business and policy makers.