Roy Bouwer
Building Climate Resilience in Africa Through Research and Development
This article provides an evaluation of the Future Climate for Africa programme (2015-2021), which has brought together more than 200 researchers from over 20 countries to improve understanding of climate variability and change across Africa.
Agro-met services and farmer responsiveness to advisories: Implications for climate smart agriculture
This book chapter examines the importance of agro-met services for delivering crop and weather information, and the responses of farmers to these services in Maharashtra, India.
Supporting Resilient Agriculture in Semi-Arid Ghana
This information brief reflects on ASSAR's work to support dry season farming in the vulnerable communities of the semi-arid Lawra and Nandom Districts of Ghana.
Determining what global warming of 1.5°C and higher means for the semi-arid regions of Botswana, Namibia, Ghana, Mali, Kenya and Ethiopia: A description of ASSAR’s methods of analysis
This article describes ASSAR's method for what global warming of 1.5°C and higher means for the semi-arid regions of Botswana, Namibia, Ghana, Mali, Kenya and Ethiopia.
Global warming of 1.5°C and higher brings profound challenges to semi-arid regions
This page collects together key messages and outputs from the ASSAR project relevant to global warming of 1.5°C and higher.