Coordinator-Gender and Climate Change Programme
Working as Coordinator-Gender and Climate Change Programme with International Centre for Climate Change and Development (ICCCAD). Prior to that, I was involved with Gender and Water Alliance as Team Leader of Bangladesh programme which is a global alliance committed to mainstream gender in Integrated Water Resources Management, IWRM till April 2018. I am an environmental lawyer with an LL.M and have got significant experience in environmental and climate change advocacy. I am also a World Wildlife Fund (WWF) Fellow on Environmental Law. I have also experience working with GIZ, UNDP, IFPRI, Oxfam etc. as a full-time advisor and with World Bank, ADB and other national/international organisations as a consultant. I have long experience working with print and electronic media especially writing article on gender, environment and right based issues during her tenure with The Daily Star as In-charge of Law Desk. I started my career as an environmental activist lawyer with Bangladesh Environmental Lawyers Association (BELA). I am also involved with a tiny farmer’s research institute named “Krisoker Sor (Farmers’ Voice)” which supported me to build the insights and dedication to work for the gender, food security, biodiversity, water and environment areas with focus on equity and right based approach. Shaila also holds diverse background from social activism to women’s empowerment, gender equality to environmental sustainability, climate justice and human rights triggering the change to improve living standards and advance social norms of underprivileged. I am also the UN Water Communications Focal Point in Bangladesh and a certified Gender Audit Facilitator by ILO. Active member of UN Women’s Major Group & Focal Point of SDGs 6 in Asia Pacific Regional CSO Engagement Mechanism, APRCEM.
Joined 2018
Dhaka, Bangladesh