ICCCAD aims to be a global Centre of Excellence on Climate Change and Development research based in Bangladesh, where Climate Change has a significant impact. As a global Centre of Excellence, ICCCAD wants to build and lead a network of Southern based partner institutes, together educating the world about Climate Change and Development and increasing capacity in the South.
The Centre is based at the Independent University, Bangladesh. Founded in 1993, Independent University, Bangladesh is one of the oldest private universities in Bangladesh where academic excellence is a tradition, teaching a passion and lifelong learning a habit. IUB currently has more than 4000 undergraduate and graduate students and over 3560 alumni. The student population is projected to grow at 10% annually.
- Training future and current leaders on Climate Change and Development
- Conducting research to generate peer reviewed publications on Climate Change Adaptation
- Building capacity, specifically for LDC’s
- Building a network of partners, mainly consisting of Southern based institutes