Interview: Why trust, not cash, is key to locally led adaptation
This blog explains why donors should put CASH – ‘compassion, accountability, security and honour’ – at the heart of efforts to help local communities build resilience to climate change.
Solar Irrigation for Agriculture Resilience in South Asia (SoLAR)
The SDC-funded SoLAR project aims to promote solar irrigation as a water-energy solution for climate-resilient and socially inclusive agrarian livelihoods in South Asia.
Nationally Determined Contributions in Asia: Are governments recognizing the rights, roles and contributions of Indigenous Peoples?
This report synthesises the findings from 10 country-level reports which examine how the rights, roles and knowledge of indigenous men, women, youth, and persons with disabilities are addressed in national-level climate policies and plans.
What one NGO has learned from a year of climate resilience pilot programmes
In 2022, World Jewish Relief realised that it needed to do more on the climate crisis. We had already been implementing emergency response programmes through our network of local partner NGOs, but we needed to be more proactive on this crucial issue. This article will outline how we have begun to do so, including the approach we took to programme design, the challenges we have faced and the lessons we are taking forward.
Factsheet for young people: Locally Led Adaptation
How can locally led adaptation respond to highly localized risks in contexts marked by deficits in formal governance machinery? Learn more in this factsheet, which is part of a series that presents information from the Global Center on Adaptation’s flagship reports State and Trends in Adaptation in Africa 2021 and 2022.
Stories of Resilience: Lessons from Local Adaptation Practice
Discover stories of resilience, based on the sessions of the 2022 Gobeshona Conference on Locally Led Adaptation, and explore the difference between local action and locally led action, as well as effective ways of supporting local leadership in this report.
Tracking Community Perspectives on Climate Resilience in Bangladesh
In 2022, Ground Truth Solutions partnered with IIED and the International Centre for Climate Change and Development (ICCCAD), to survey the opinions of more than 2,300 citizen in three areas of Bangladesh particularly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. The aim was to understand how they perceive the quality and impact of adaptation programmes in their communities, and the extent to which they feel their views, opinions and experiences are considered in decision-making.
REACH Water Security for Climate Resilience Report
This report explores the relationship between water security, climate and climate adaptation decisions, drawing on research from the REACH Programme, conducted in Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia.
Everyday Stories of Climate Change – Educator Guide and Graphic Novel
Explore the Educator guide, which supports the Everyday Stories graphic novel for secondary school age children and includes examples from Bangladesh, South Africa, Bolivia, Puerto Rico, and Barbuda to discover how low-income families experience climate change, and their strategies to adapt and recover.
Mitigation and beyond: Multiple co-benefits of solar irrigation in Bangladesh
Based on a farmer survey in North-West Bangladesh, this study finds that transitioning to solar-based irrigation provides various benefits to farmers, besides mitigating diesel-driven carbon emissions in agriculture.