COP29 unpacked: 8 critical topics driving the climate agenda in Baku
Here we present a breakdown of eight issues expected to play a large role in COP29 discussions, with articles related to each topic to help you understand more about the current playing field and the possible directions of each discussion.
Toolkit: monitoring, evaluation, and learning for National Adaptation Plan processes
This toolkit is designed for government teams in developing countries leading their country’s NAP processes to provide flexible yet concrete guidance on the planning, implementation, and revision of MEL systems.
Introducing the UK Climate Resilience Programme – book chapter
Introducing the UK Climate Resilience Programme is a book chapter book on the UK programme entitled Quantifying climate risk and building resilience in the UK (2024).
Peace, conflict, and National Adaptation Plan (NAP) processes
This guidance note provides National Adaptation Plan (NAP) teams with a step-by-step approach for linking climate change, peacebuilding, and conflict dynamics.
Nationally Determined Contributions in Asia: Are governments recognizing the rights, roles and contributions of Indigenous Peoples?
This report synthesises the findings from 10 country-level reports which examine how the rights, roles and knowledge of indigenous men, women, youth, and persons with disabilities are addressed in national-level climate policies and plans.
Toolkit for engaging the private sector in National Adaptation Plans (NAPs)
This toolkit aims to help governments develop strategies for the effective engagement of private sector actors in the National Adaptation Plan process.
Assessing and meeting the cost of adaptation: Lessons learned and good practices from developing countries
This report synthesis relevant lessons, insights, and good practices from developing country Parties under the UNFCCC in i) assessing the costs of adaptation and ii) assessing domestic expenditures towards meeting the costs of adaptation.
The AdapteCCa platform is a platform for exchange of information on impacts, vulnerability and adaptation to climate change facilitates coordination and transfer of information, knowledge and experiences.
Greek Climate Change Adaptation Hub
The Greek Climate Change Adaptation Hub plays a crucial role in supporting the implementation of adaptation policy and in raising awareness and momentum for adaptation action.
Progress, good practices and lessons learned in prioritizing and incorporating gender-responsive adaptation action
Read this policy brief to learn how to develop and implement gender-responsive adaptation action, taking into consideration the different national circumstances and cultural values.