climate change vulnerability
Peace, conflict, and National Adaptation Plan (NAP) processes
This guidance note provides National Adaptation Plan (NAP) teams with a step-by-step approach for linking climate change, peacebuilding, and conflict dynamics.
Enhancing Community Flood Resilience in Lusaka’s Unplanned Settlements: A Case Study of Multi-Stakeholder Perspectives
Learn how different stakeholders in Lusaka define flood resilience, in terms of a desirable state to be achieved, and how community flood resilience in unplanned settlements could be enhanced according to different stakeholders.
Turning Science into Action Webinar Series Session 2: Turning IPCC Science to Action – Joint session on Water & Infrastructure
Watch several experts explain how to turn the IPCC's science into action in this session on water and infrastructure conducted by the AAC and WRI.
Turning Science into Action Webinar Series Session 1: Overview of IPCC WGII findings and a Call to Action
In this webinar from the AAC and WRI, learn more about the IPCC WGII Sixth Assessment Report and a related call to action. This is followed up with two technical sessions on Water & Infrastructure and Health & Locally Led Action.
Climate Adaptation: Accounts of Resilience, Self-Sufficiency and Systems Change
A collection of case studies from around the world that look at how communities can respond to climate change at a local and structural level.
The strategic importance of building flood resilience in the Greater Dakar Region
Floods deepen the vulnerability of communities that are already exposed to climate hazards in the Greater Dakar region in Senegal. Read the report to find out more.
Adaptation interventions and their effect on vulnerability in developing countries: Help, hindrance or irrelevance?
Based on a review of 34 interventions, this paper shows that adaptation interventions may reinforce, redistribute or create new vulnerability.
Surviving Climate Change: an Approach to Planning and Implementation of Climate Change Adaptation in Rural Areas of India
Climate change adaptation project implementation covering lessons on capacity building, demonstration, mainstreaming, and policy formulation for adaptation in India.
Asking the right questions in adaptation research and practice: Seeing beyond climate impacts in rural Nepal
This paper considers a reframing of adaptation research towards the dynamics of household reproduction and changing rural political economies in order to reveal the challenges rural populations face.
Why gender matters in climate adaptation
Climate change does not affect all people equally. For adaptation to succeed, the social drivers of vulnerability have to be tackled head on.