Alec Crawford
Peace, conflict, and National Adaptation Plan (NAP) processes
This guidance note provides National Adaptation Plan (NAP) teams with a step-by-step approach for linking climate change, peacebuilding, and conflict dynamics.
Toolkit for engaging the private sector in National Adaptation Plans (NAPs)
This toolkit aims to help governments develop strategies for the effective engagement of private sector actors in the National Adaptation Plan process.
The NAP Process and Peacebuilding
This briefing note explores the importance and difficulties of bringing adaptation planning and peacebuilding agendas together in contexts of fragility and instability.
Engaging the Private Sector in National Adaptation Planning Processes
This study aims to offer guidance to governments and their partners on how to engage the private sector in the NAP process.
Accessing and Using Climate Data and Information in Fragile, Data-Poor States
This report provides peacebuilding practitioners with guidance for accessing and using climate data and information in fragile contexts.