Christian Ledwell
Christian is the knowledge manager of the NAP Global Network. He works for the Network's secretariat, the International In...
Toolkit for engaging the private sector in National Adaptation Plans (NAPs)
This toolkit aims to help governments develop strategies for the effective engagement of private sector actors in the National Adaptation Plan process.
Public Engagement on Climate Change Adaptation: A briefing for developing country National Adaptation Plan teams
This report, jointly prepared by Climate Outreach and the NAP Global Network, provides an introduction to public engagement on climate change adaptation. It makes recommendations for how to make public engagement with climate adaptation inclusive and effective, and how to make links to the Action for Climate Empowerment (ACE) agenda under the UNFCCC and the Paris Agreement.
Leveraging the National Adaptation Plan Process for Adaptation Communications
Learn about the opportunities for countries to leverage the results of NAP processes for preparing Adaptation Communications; and making strategic use of AdCom for boosting the profile and visibility of adaptation progress and needs without creating undue additional reporting burden. The report draws on experiences from the NAP Global Network’s support to 22 countries to build on their NAP processes to prepare their first AdComs.
Toward a National Adaptation Strategy for Canada: Key insights from global peers
The purpose of this paper is to outline some key issues and considerations that should inform the development of Canada’s National Adaptation Strategy (NAS).
Strategic Communications in Peru’s National Adaptation Plan (NAP) Process
This brief highlights a selection of communications activities and good practices that the Peruvian Ministry of Environment has undertaken to support national adaptation planning and action.