Peace Building
Peace, conflict, and National Adaptation Plan (NAP) processes
This guidance note provides National Adaptation Plan (NAP) teams with a step-by-step approach for linking climate change, peacebuilding, and conflict dynamics.
Three Steps to Including Conflict Considerations in the Design of Climate Change Adaptation Projects
Introduction Research in 2020 found that 12 out of the 20 countries most vulnerable to climate change were also affected...
Climate Finance for Sustaining Peace: Making Climate Finance Work for Conflict-Affected and Fragile Contexts
This study by UNDP, the Climate Security Mechanism and the Nataij Group examines climate finance implemented under multilateral 'vertical funds' and discusses how to make this work more effectively in contexts affected by conflict and fragility.
Lessons Learned from the Peace Centers for Climate and Social Resilience: An Assessment in Borana Zone, Oromia National Regional State, Ethiopia
Droughts are driving increased conflict between pastoralist groups. This report shares lessons learned from a pilot project in Oromia State, Ethiopia, on this intersection of climate and conflict.
Community based conflict reduction and peace building in Kebkabiya, North Darfur
This poster is one of the posters featured at the 9th International Conference on Community-Based Adaptation (CBA9) which took place in Nairobi, Kenya, from April 24-30 2015.
Accessing and Using Climate Data and Information in Fragile, Data-Poor States
This report provides peacebuilding practitioners with guidance for accessing and using climate data and information in fragile contexts.