Nationally Determined Contributions in Asia: Are governments recognizing the rights, roles and contributions of Indigenous Peoples?
This report synthesises the findings from 10 country-level reports which examine how the rights, roles and knowledge of indigenous men, women, youth, and persons with disabilities are addressed in national-level climate policies and plans.
Climate Change & Environment Nexus Brief: Biodiversity and Sustainable Development
This nexus brief explores key challenges and issues related to biodiversity and the intrinsic linkages between ecosystems and sustainable development.
Promoting ambitious climate action for the Hindu Kush Himalaya
(Videos) This focus day on HKH, which was live streamed from the Cryosphere Pavilion at COP26, explored the scaling up of investment in mountain-specific climate priorities and low carbon development, the dissemination of high-impact solutions that can deliver climate action in the HKH region, and shared policy and youth perspectives on climate action. Watch the recordings of each session.
Climate and nutrition smart villages as platforms to address food insecurity in Myanmar
This solution has been uploaded by Julia Aguilera on behalf of the International Institute of Rural Reconstruction (IIRR)
Climate action in the Hindu Kush Himalaya
This event provided a platform for stakeholders from the Hindu Kush Himalaya to discuss how regional collaboration can deliver ambitious climate action in the region.
Guardians of the Planet: Asia Pacific Children and Youth Voices on Climate Crisis and Disaster Risk Reduction
The article presents findings from consultations with children and youth in 13 countries in Asia and the Pacific. It highlights their knowledge, experience and contribution to disaster resilience and climate action.
The Hindu Kush Himalaya Assessment: Mountains, Climate Change, Sustainability and People
This open access volume is the first comprehensive assessment of the Hindu Kush Himalaya (HKH) region.
In the Shadows of the Himalayan Mountains: Persistent Gender and Social Exclusion in Development
This article describes why policies supporting climate change adaptation in mountains must consider gender and how it interacts with other factors such as class/caste, ethnicity and geography.
Learning Journey: Climate Resilient Agriculture and Food Systems
This article summarises a learning journey that engaged participants from diverse topical backgrounds in a series of discussions and (recorded) webinars on climate resilient agriculture.
Sourcebook: Valuing the Benefits, Costs and Impacts of Ecosystem-based Adaptation Measures
This sourcebook assists in building awareness, knowledge and capacity about why, how and in which contexts EbA valuation can be used to inform, guide and influence adaptation decision-making.