11 young climate leaders on how today’s youth can make a difference 🌍
Meet 11 inspiring young climate leaders, explore what fuels their passion for climate action, and learn about their insights on how today's Youth can make a difference.
Climate anxiety toolbox: a resource guide for young people facing climate anxiety and grief
Explore these useful resources (all free) for dealing with climate anxiety, ranging from articles, to courses, to places to speak to someone about how you’re feeling.
Toolkit for youth on adaptation and leadership
This Toolkit for Youth on Adaptation & Leadership equips young people with the knowledge and skills to engage in climate adaptation policy, advocacy and action.
Creating youth climate councils: A step-by-step guide for young people
Have you wanted to make a difference in your local community but did not know where to start? Learn how to establish a youth climate council in your city with this practical step-by-step guide!
Leading the way : How Indigenous youth combat climate change through land rights
Listen to a recording of this Land Dialogue on 11 April 2024 which explored the dynamic relationship between land tenure systems and climate resilience through the lens of Indigenous Peoples and local community youth.
Factsheet for young people: Urban development and city resilience
Learn more about city resilience and urban development in Africa with this factsheet for young people from the Global Center on Adaptation (GCA)
Youth Climate Justice Handbook: Summary for policymakers
The Youth Climate Justice Handbook presents the best and most progressive legal arguments on climate justice, responding specifically to the questions the UN General Assembly is requesting the International Court of Justice to answer.
Youth Climate Justice Handbook
A pillar document for the campaign for an International Court of Justice advisory opinion
on climate change.
Insights from CBA18: Five practitioners share key learnings for putting Locally Led Adaptation principles into practice
What does Locally-Led Adaptation (LLA) look like in practice? Five practitioners attending the CBA18 conference in May 2024 share key learnings from their own work as well as from the conference regarding promising LLA solutions and approaches.
Nationally Determined Contributions in Asia: Are governments recognizing the rights, roles and contributions of Indigenous Peoples?
This report synthesises the findings from 10 country-level reports which examine how the rights, roles and knowledge of indigenous men, women, youth, and persons with disabilities are addressed in national-level climate policies and plans.