Zoha Shawoo
What’s next for adaptation? Twelve leading voices on adaptation weigh in on priorities post COP28
How do we move forward, and build on, strengthen, or even go beyond COP28’s commitments? Twelve leading voices on climate adaptation share what they believe are the top priorities to address urgent adaptation needs worldwide.
Reflections on the IPCC AR6 Synthesis Report: adaptation, loss and damage
Join three SEI researchers, whohaveassumedvariousroles in past IPCC reports,as theyreflect on the IPCCAR6SynthesisReport’scriticalmessages onadaptation and loss and damage.
Shifting Power Through Climate Research: Applying Decolonial Methodologies
Colonial legacies and unequal divisions of power embedded within Global North-South relationships continue to affect and shape climate research. This article explores how these dynamics can be better considered and addressed during research processes.
Operationalizing Finance for Loss and Damage: from Principles to Modalities
Explore this report providing information for crucial negotiations and discussions on loss and damage finance by exploring different options for how it can be operationalized.