Jesse DeMaria-Kinney
Jesse is the Head of Secretariat of the Adaptation Research Alliance. He has 15 years of experience working at the interfa...
What’s next for adaptation? Twelve leading voices on adaptation weigh in on priorities post COP28
How do we move forward, and build on, strengthen, or even go beyond COP28’s commitments? Twelve leading voices on climate adaptation share what they believe are the top priorities to address urgent adaptation needs worldwide.
Climate justice for people and nature through urban Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA): a focus on the Global South
Examples of urban EbA interventions, predominantly in the Global South, are explored in this paper and linked with seven proposed EbA social principles related to climate justice.
Research for Impact MOOC by the University of Cape Town and Oxfam
Online training for Research and Development Professionals about the Research for Impact approach - principles and practices that will make your research more impactful.
Prosus #2: Building capacity for climate change adaptation in semi-arid regions
The second issue of START’s ProSus magazine features research and stories from the Adaptation at Scale in Semi-Arid Regions (ASSAR) program.
The CARIAA Research-into-Use (RiU) Learning Guide
This learning guide is designed to provide research teams with a bottom-up and experience based tool to better understand the effectiveness of different approaches to Research-into-Use (RiU).