Saleemul Huq
Climate-induced migration in the Global South: an in depth analysis
This study explores how climate-induced stressors, specifically rising temperatures, water stress and droughts, and floods and sea-level rise, have affected populations in the Global South, leading to voluntary and/or forced migration.
The International Conferences on Community Based Adaptation (CBA) to climate change
This article provides an overview to and linkages for the international conference series on Community Based Adaptation.
Can the Least Developed Countries Count on the Green Climate Fund?
The Green Climate Fund is a critical institution for the implementing of the Paris Agreement. Is it fulfilling its promisies and helping deliver successful adaptation outcomes in vulnerable nations?
Ten principles to help assess funding for local climate adaptation
This briefing paper summarises a study by IIED analysing (a) how much support reaches local people and (b) the quality of this support, as measured against ten principles
Mainstreaming community-based adaptation into national and local planning
This article was part of the Special Issue in Climate and Development journal.