SouthSouthNorth KM Hub
Guide to Strengthening Gender Integration in Climate Finance Projects
CDKN and WEDO's guide presents a framework of recommendations for strengthening gender integration in climate finance projects, with concrete examples and resources to show how it can be done.
IMPALA: Improving Model Processes For African Climate
The project aims to improve the ability of climate models to capture African climate systems, and thereby better enable decision-makers in Africa to use climate information.
AMMA 2050: African Monsoon Multidisciplinary Analysis 2050
The AMMA-2050 team will investigate how physical processes interact to cause ‘high impact weather events’ such as storms and heat waves that affect lives and livelihoods.
HyCRISTAL: Integrating Hydro-Climate Science Into Policy Decisions For Climate-Resilient Infrastructure and Livelihoods in East Africa
HyCRISTAL's goal is to understand the challenges and context of climate change impact at local level and to inform local-based solutions. The research focuses on East Africa.
Africa’s Climate: Helping decision-makers make sense of climate information
This Future Climate For Africa report presents an overview of climate trends across regions of Africa & a series of climate factsheets that are tailored for specific sub-regions and countries.