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Ama Consultants

Ama Consultants assist people who wish to improve programs, services, or products. While experience guides how we use our skills in this process, the changing world you work in challenges you how to best respond. Ama consultants collaborate to make possible the improvements you seek. Ama Consultants is a consultancy that works with clients to answer common and extraordinary questions about the goals, effectiveness, and results of their programs, services, or products. We actively consider cultures that influence program operations, research standards and related knowledge systems.

Ama Consultants work with governments, non-governmental organizations, and private enterprise for organizational assessment, asset mapping, and outcome led planning for desired results. A wide range of management tools are employed to produce solutions that add lasting value to organizations. Ama Consultants applies social science methods to solve vital questions about programs, services, and products for clients. We carry out research and combine it with operational experience to implement best practices within the scope of available resources. Together with clients, we define research, training, and program evaluation goals. Our consultants use the best methods for evaluating your goals for planning, implementation, and measurement of results for programs, services, and products. We enjoy training staff at multiple levels to build skills in evaluation and increase the capacity of organizations to improve program performance. Evaluation in both English and Spanish language settings is offered. Our consultants have over 50 years combined experience in these service areas: research, evaluation, training, program and curriculum development, and translation.

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