The National Forestry Corporation (CONAF) is a private law entity under the Ministry of Agriculture, whose main task is to administer Chile’s forestry policy and promote the development of the sector.
Mission and objectives
The mission of the National Forestry Corporation (CONAF) is to contribute to the development of the country through the sustainable management of forest ecosystems and the components of nature associated with them, which will be achieved through the promotion, establishment, restoration and management of forests and xerophytic formations; the increase in urban trees; the mitigation and adaptation of the effects of climate change; the control of forestry and environmental legislation; and the protection of the vegetational resources and the administration of the Protected Wild Areas of the State, for the current and future generations.
Its main objectives and lines of action are:
- Strengthening and institutional improvement , through the bill that allows the creation of the Public CONAF, a more modern, close, efficient and effective institution.
- Promotion, protection and sustainable development of the forest resource to generate goods and services, favoring afforestation, restoration and recovery of forests, xerophitic formations and the components of nature associated with them, contributing to economic, environmental and social development of the country, through the monitoring and monitoring of land use, establishment and management of planted forests, native and other vegetational resources, and the phytosanitary safeguard of the same.
- Development and conservation of protected wild areas , whose objective is to modernize, strengthen the management, administration and infrastructure of the National System of Protected Wild Areas of the State (SNASPE), through the implementation of instruments for the protection and conservation of natural and cultural heritage, contributing to preserve it to make it available to current and future generations, guaranteeing universal access
- Prevention and control of forest fires, whose objective is to reduce the risk of occurrence through the incorporation of state-of-the-art technology to fire prevention and combat plans, and also to encourage a cultural change in society through the education, considering the new scenarios that the phenomenon of climate change has caused in our country, generating public-private partnerships with all the actors involved.