Danish Institute for International Studies (DIIS)

DIIS is an independent public research institution for international studies. We conduct and communicate multidisciplinary research and we aim to be agenda-setting in research, policy and public debate.
DIIS researches foreign, security and development policy. The institute carries out basic research, policy analysis and commissioned research.
DIIS features high in the international rankings of the world’s leading research institutes and think tanks, and the Institute publishes its research in both recognised academic journals and popular science formats.
According to the law, the purpose of DIIS is to:
- Conduct, promote, and coordinate independent research on international affairs.
- Perform research and analysis as requested by the Danish Parliament, the government, or its initiative. Follow the international development to evaluate Denmark’s foreign- and security political situation in a broad political and economic understanding, including Denmark’s place with development policies.
- Communicate research results, analysis, and knowledge and conduct documentation and information activities, including a public library, on international relations.
- Participate in the education of researchers through cooperation with other research institutes, including supporting the development of research capacity in developing countries and supporting further education for the users of the Institute.
- Act as a connector between Danish and international research environments within research on international affairs.