ENAP is a branch of the Université du Québec network (10 institutions) and is one of the largest public administration universities in the world. Its mission is to contribute to the development of public administration as a field of both knowledge and practice. Since its creation in 1969, it has positioned itself as a leader in the renewal of a modern and effective public administration in Quebec and abroad. It has set the standard in this field, in both academic and practitioner communities.
Action-oriented and globally connected, ENAP carries out its mission in four key areas of activity:
- Masters and Ph.D. programs www.programmes.enap.ca
- Research in fields related mainly to public management, governance and public policies. www.recherche.enap.ca www.formation-recherche.enap.ca
- Services offered to public organizations aimed at supporting public organizations and managers in management competency development and the optimization of organizational performance: continuing education, management and governance consulting services, coaching, competency evaluation and support. www.servicesauxorganisations.enap.ca
- International development activities : training of foreign public managers and training of trainers in public management, consultant services for governments, support for the development of public management schools and programs, exporting Quebec public service expertise. www.international.enap.ca