Since 2005, FANRPAN has pioneered regional learning and knowledge acquisition in agricultural and food security policy analysis and advocacy, initially in Southern and Eastern Africa, and latterly extending its contribution and reach to continental and global levels.
The broad objectives of FANRPAN are to:
- Promote the development of appropriate agricultural policies in order to reduce poverty,
- Enhance food security in Africa, and
- Promote sustainable agricultural development in Africa.
FANRPAN’s comparative advantage is based on its distinctive experience over the past 10 years in SSA and the insights and capabilities developed in policy analysis, dialogue processes and advocacy underpinned by:
- Legitimacy and convening power
- Having government as a member in the nodes and as a convener of national policy dialogues
- Advocacy platforms at national, regional and global levels
- Full policy engagement cycle of:
- Message/evidence generation
- Equipping the messengers
- Engagement platforms
- Links between local and global actors
- The capability to capture the voice of the people on whom policy has its ultimate impacts
- Training of journalists for responsive and appropriate media reporting
- Developing proficiency of policy advocates
A food secure Africa free from hunger and poverty.
To promote effective Food, Agriculture and Natural Resources (FANR) policies by:
- Facilitating linkages and partnerships between government and civil society,
- Building the capacity for policy analysis and policy dialogue in Africa, and supporting demand-driven policy research and analysis.