
The National Federation of Oil Palm Growers (Fedepalma) exists to support the palm growers in the defense of their interests and the achievement of the competitiveness of an oleaginous agroindustry that transforms the quality of life of the communities that welcome it and promotes the progress and well-being It faithfully represents the interests of its associates as is its irrevocable role, and is destined to satisfy their needs even beyond their expectations.
Created in 1962, Fedepalma is made up of small, medium and large palm oil growers, who operate at a business, associative scale including strategic alliances, or individual, as well as palm oil extractors.
As an organization that groups and represents the majority of Colombian palmiculture, Fedepalma offers interesting opportunities for union interaction, updated economic and commercial information, environmental and social management, promotion of value-added projects, and promotion of technical assistance for its members. among others.
In addition to working for the competitiveness and sustainability of the Colombian palm sector, Fedepalma administers the palm parafiscal funds (Palmero Development Fund and Price Stabilization Fund for Palmiste, Palm Oil and its Fractions), promotes economic and social development in the areas of influence and promotes the image of the sector. The result of all this has been the outstanding positioning achieved by the agroindustry in the productive and business concert of Colombia, accompanied by a special governmental interest to promote and support its development.