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Forest Research

Our aims

  • To assist the Forestry Commission in achieving its high-level objectives.
  • On behalf of all three (devolved UK) administrations, to take the lead in development and promotion of sustainable forest management and to support its achievement internationally.
  • To support and enhance forestry and its role in sustainable development by providing high-quality research and development in a well-run organisation.

Our objectives

  • To inform and support forestry’s contribution to the development and delivery of the policies of the UK government and the devolved administrations.
  • To provide research, development and monitoring services relevant to UK forestry interests.
  • To transfer knowledge actively and appropriately.

How do we achieve the above

Trees have a profound influence on our lives:

  • On our environment and health
  • On our access to green space
  • On our landscapes and their biodiversity
  • As a raw material for construction, fuel and other uses
  • On livelihoods and the rural economy.

Our portfolio of research and development is therefore diverse, as it covers all of the above.

We also provide a range of products and services to support the land management and environmental technologies sectors.

We work closely with the Forestry Commission, the EU Commission and other international organisations to ensure compliance with international agreements on the sustainable management of forests and related subjects.

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