
GAPI is a financial institution created in 1990 aiming to contribute to social and economic development of Mozambique, with special relevance in the rural areas, by means of promoting the business mind, improving the access of national entrepreneurs to financial services and implementing integrated development programmes, where the offer of financial resources is combined with the training of human capital.
GAPI is a financial institution created in 1990 aiming to contribute to social and economic development of Mozambique, with special relevance in the rural areas, by means of promoting the business mind, improving the access of national entrepreneurs to financial services and implementing integrated development programmes, where the offer of financial resources is combined with the training of human capital.
GAPI is registered in the Bank of Mozambique as a Financial Intermediation Institution, able to grant retail and wholesale credit. GAPI is currently in the process of becoming an Investment Society, under the Credit Institutions and Financial Societies Law. This process entails its institutional restructuring towards a full Development Financial Institution, as a Public-Private Partnership (PPP). Under this framework GAPI’s Strategic Objective is that of contributing to the creation of a more inclusive financial system in Mozambique, through the improvement of access conditions to financial services by national entrepreneurs and organised communities, operating nationwide in a sustainable and decentralised manner.
Specific Objectives coming from the Strategic Objective are:
To develop human capital and ensure the improvement of conditions to access financial services, mainly in the rural areas, carrying out training and advice activities directed to business development;
To ensure direct channelling or through supplementary guarantees and risk mitigation instruments, of financial resources to integrated economic and infrastructure development programmes, operating at financial intermediation level;
To ensure the availability of financial services to business initiatives of the national entrepreneurs and the communities, through the establishment of institutional partnerships with the banks and municipal and local development entities.
To exercise its mission GAPI has being supported by other development financial institutions and bilateral and multilateral cooperation instruments, namely: KfW, Agence Francaise de Development, DANIDA, IPAD/IFADAP, IFAD, USAID, EU, African Development Bank, World Bank, Nordic Development Fund, Ford Foundation, Friedrich Ebert Foundation and Kellogg Foundation.