IIAM, Mozambique’s Institute of Agricultural Research, aims to generate knowledge and technological solutions for sustainable development of agribusiness and food and nutrition security. Its basic funtion is to coordenate, comand politics, strategies, programms and projects of agricultural research in the region.
IIAM is part of the Ministry for Agriculture of Mozambique and consists of four technical directorates: the Directorate of Agriculture and Natural Resources (DARN); the Directorate of Animal Sciences (DCA); the Directorate of Training, Documentation, and Technology Transfer (DFDTT) ; and the Directorate for Planning, Administration, and Finance (DPAF).
IIAM has four zonal centers of Agricultural Research (CZIA)–in the south (Chokwe), the center (Chimoio), the northeast (Nampula), and the northwest (Lichinga).
There is a map on the site showing the agro-ecological zones of Mozambique. The IIAM website is in Portuguese. But users of the Chrome browser can translate at least part of the text to other languages through Google Translate.
IIAM has the following objectives:
- To contribute to productivity, production stability and sustainability of basic production chains.
- To contribute to the competitiveness of production chains market – oriented.
- To contribute to food security and nutrition of consumers.
- To contribute to the productive and sustainable use of natural resources.
- Enhance interaction and integration for institutional sustainability IIAM.