Flanders Research Institute for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (ILVO) is an independent scientific research institute of Flanders’ Government. ILVO’s task is to generate knowledge for moresustainability in the agriculture, fisheries and agri-food sectors. Starting from a strong anchor in Flanders, their work extends throughout Belgium, Europe and the rest of the world.
The mission of ILVO is clear and remarkably contemporary: to build knowledge that will make it possible to produce enough healthy and varied food for the 10 billion people that the world will need to feed while staying within our planetary limits.
To perform this mission, ILVO performs multidisciplinary, ground-breaking and independentresearch. In this way, ILVO builds the fundamental and applied knowledge needed for improving products and production methods, to ensure quality and safety of the end-products and to improve the policy instruments at the foundation of sector development and rural policy.
The organization employs a strategy where systems thinking, integration of “tacit knowledge” with new technologies, co-creation and five organizational values all take center stage. The Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations form the compass that orients ILVO’s own operations as well as the researched performed here.