InFER – Institute of Forest, Environmental, and Natural Resource Policy

InFER, the Institute of Forest, Environmental, and Natural Resource Policy at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna (BOKU) is concerned with political science research on processes, instruments and institutions applied in a broad variety of environmental policies. Research and teaching in the field of forest policy is a traditional focus at InFER.
The Central-East European Regional Office of the European Forest Institute (EFICEEC) which is located at InFER particulary deals with forest policy issues and innovation in the forest-wood-chain. In the field of environmental and resource policies, research and teaching at InFER focus on sustainable development policies, climate change mitigation and adaptation policies, nature conservation, biodiversity and water protection policies.
The research staff of InFER is regularly engaged in research-based policy consulting for associations, provincial governments, federal ministries in Austria and other EU Member States, the European Commission, and international organisations.