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At the beginning of the new century, the Argentine territory presents a gradual process of fragmentation and the widening of gaps in the levels of regional development, especially in the Argentine Northwest. This problem, although it has been partially addressed from different perspectives, requires the formation and consolidation of an institution that promotes, carries out, coordinates and disseminates theoretical, empirical and methodological studies linked to the development of the territory, habitat, technology, and human rights from an interdisciplinary perspective.

For this reason, the formation of INTEPH as a dual dependency research unit (CONICET-UNT) is proposed. The synergistic articulation of a set of research linked to the development of the territory and the habitat, both in the present and in the past, and with those related to technologies and legal and legal resources for the construction and management of the habitat will contribute undeniably to environmental sustainability, overcoming fragmentation and regional gaps in Argentina.

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