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International Centre on Environmental Monitoring (CIMA)

The International Center for Environmental Monitoring, CIMA Research Foundation, is a non-profit research organization. It aims to promote the study, scientific research, technological development and advanced training in engineering and environmental sciences for the protection of public health, civil protection and ecosystems.

The scientific research conducted by the Foundation focuses on disaster risk mitigation. Since its inception, CIMA Research Foundation has been dedicated to hydrometeorological risk mitigation, developing mathematical models to improve the forecasting and prevention of flood phenomena, and wildfire forecasting and prevention. Over the years, its areas of research have expanded to include wildfire forest biodiversity conservationsatellite data analysisrisk assessment and damage data analysis. An important branch of the foundation is also dedicated to marine ecosystems and the cetaceans that populate the Pelagos Sanctuary and to the development of civil protection plans through participatory approach with the population. A line of research is also dedicated to regulatory review activities (including complex national and foreign institutional architectures), legal compliance, legal risk analysis in risk management and forensic investigation.

However, the Foundation’s activities are not limited to research. Our technicians and researchers contribute to the dissemination of knowledge through training, and to technological development.

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