The MIDEPLAN is the advisory and technical support body of Costa Rica’s Presidency of the Republic and is the body in charge of formulating, coordinating, monitoring and evaluating the Government’s strategies and priorities, that is, it defines the vision and medium and long- term goals that inspire the actions of the Executive. MIDEPLAN acts as Technical Secretariat for the implementation of the 2030 Agenda.
Some of the main functions of the Ministry are:
- Define a development strategy for the country, including medium and long-term goals.
- Prepare the National Development Plan, which must translate the Government’s strategy into priorities, policies, programs and actions.
- Coordinate, evaluate and monitor these actions, programs and policies.
- Maintain an updated and prospective diagnosis of the evolution of national development, as a vital input to strengthen decision-making processes and evaluate the impact of government programs and actions.
- Promote a permanent evaluation and renewal of the services provided by the State (modernization of the Public Administration).
- Ensure the application of the Government’s priorities in the allocation of the budget, public investment and international cooperation.