The National Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries (NIOF) is one of the twelve national research institutions affiliated to the Ministry of State for Scientific Research of Egypt that are dealing with different fields of science and technology, with a specific mandate of national relevance assigned to each institute. According to the Presidential Decree No. 436 of 1986, the explicit mandate of NIOF is to “maintain, protect and promote the different Egyptian aquatic environments”.
The Mission of the National Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries is ” to achieve sustainable development of marine and fresh water resources through increasing their potentials for food all sources ad working towards reducing poverty and improving the standard of living by developing and introducing new techniques in fisheries and aquaculture”. In this context recent technological advances in aquatic research has enabled researchers and research institutions world-wide to obtain accurate information on the different aquatic environments and hence improve our knowledge of the economic resources in seas , lagoons and fresh water bodies and our understanding of their interactions with the influencing factors within and outside these environments.
The main aims and objectives of NIOF could be summarized in the following: Maintaining, promoting and conserving the water environment and their natural resources through (1) Providing data information about the Egyptian aquatic areas; (2) Studing and monitoring the physical, chemical biological changes in the Egyptian waters; (3) Designing and using new and modern technologies for examining the topographic features and exploring the resources under the Egyptian sea beds; and (4) Investigating possible hazardous phenomena such as storm surges, coastal erosion and the sudden increase of the sea water level, tsunamis, … etc.