The government of Ethiopia officially established the National Meteorological Services Agency in December 31,1980 under proclamation No 201 0f 1980.
Objectives of the Agency as stipulated in the proclamation include: To investigate and study the weather and climatic condition of Ethiopia in order to exploit the beneficial effects for economic and social development. To carry out the tasks of fulfilling these national needs and discharging international obligations regarding meteorology.
- To establish and operate a national network of meteorological stations.
- Disseminate advice and educational information to public on weather on regarding meteorological issues.
- Provide meteorological services to all stakeholders. Collaborators and the general public.
- Provide advice and early warnings regarding the adverse effects weather and climate to pertinent institutions and the general public.
- Fulfill international treaties that Ethiopia had ratified in the area of meteorology.
Mission By collecting analyzing and studying data of atmospheric air, We provide weather forecast and early warnings on the adverse effects of weather and climate of Ethiopia. Vision World-class meteorological services in Ethiopia. Values Timely and reliable meteorological services are our mark. Teamwork and ethical to the profession is our motto. Forecasting the possible adverse effects of weather and climate is the measuring tool for our success.