SERNANP del Perú

We ensure the conservation of Protected Natural Areas, their biological diversity and the maintenance of their environmental services, within the framework of their participatory management and articulated to a comprehensive policy of sustainable development of the country.
Sernanp is the governing body of the National System of Natural Protected Areas by the State – SINANPE, and in its capacity as technical-normative authority, it carries out its work in coordination with regional and local governments and owners of properties recognized as private conservation areas.
Our goal is to conserve the vast biodiversity of Peru, as well as to bring protected natural areas closer to the population, to make it possible for all Peruvians to take advantage of the resources that they provide us in a sustainable way. In this way, we contribute to the conservation of our natural heritage and the sustainable development of the national economy.
Conduct the National System of Protected Natural Areas of Peru with an ecosystem perspective, comprehensive and participatory, in order to sustainably manage its biological diversity and maintain ecosystem services that provide benefits to society.
La sociedad valora los beneficios ambientales, culturales, sociales y económicos que recibe de los ecosistemas representativos presentes en áreas naturales protegidas y contribuye activamente a su conservación.
- Asegurar la coordinación interinstitucional entre las entidades del gobierno nacional, los gobiernos regionales y los gobiernos locales que actúan, intervienen o participan, directa o indirectamente, en la gestión de las ANP.
- Emitir opinión sobre todos los proyectos normativos que involucren a las ANP.
- Desarrollar la gestión de las ANP considerando criterios de sostenibilidad financiera.
- Aprobar las normas y establecer los criterios técnicos y administrativos, así como los procedimientos para el establecimiento y gestión de las ANP.
- Guide and support the management of the ANP whose administration is in charge of the regional and local governments and the owners of properties recognized as private conservation areas.
- Direct SINANPE in its capacity as governing body and ensure its operation as a unitary system.
- Establish the inspection and control mechanisms, as well as the corresponding administrative infractions and sanctions; exercise the sanctioning power in cases of non-compliance, applying the sanctions of reprimand, fine, confiscation, immobilization, closure or suspension, according to the procedure approved for that purpose.
- Promote citizen participation in the management of the ANP.