SIANI is amember-based network that supports and promotes Swedish expertise and provides an open and interactive platform for engagement and dialogue in a global context. SIANI facilitates activities across the sector with diverse membership including government, civil society, private sector and academia. SIANI provides the opportunities to come together to address a wide variety of areas within the global agricultural and development sector which include focus on food security, poverty reduction and environmental sustainability.
SIANI operates in line with the Swedish policy agenda and pushes for policy coherence across sectors. Our aim is to establish long-term form of institutional support for Swedish policy development and to strengthen the capacity and competence of Swedish institutions.
The SIANI secretariat is highly experienced in facilitating dialogue and exchange among a wide range of stakeholders through seminars, issues based expert groups and other strategic initiatives. It provides a neutral platform where many divergent opinions can meet and discuss.
SIANI’s mission is to ‘Promote dialogue and collaboration on sustainable food security, with a focus on low-income countries’.
SIANI’s vision is ‘Sustainable food security and nutrition for all’.