StovePlus is an initiative of GERES that aims to facilitate access to improved cooking solutions for populations relying on biomass. Based on our long-term experience on large scale dissemination and adoption of Improved Cookstoves (ICS), our team provides technical support to project developers in Southeast Asia and West Africa. Our overall goal is to enhance capacities, engage stakeholders and enable access to clean cooking energy solutions. Therefore, we enable local actors to connect with their institutional and international environment. Our experts can provide support to a wide range of ICS developers, from small local entrepreneurs to large development institutions. StovePlus is a program that is supported by FFEM and contributes to the Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves’s goal of disseminating 100 million improved cookstoves by 2020. Through knowledge transfer and the sharing of best practices, StovePlus aims to contribute to the dissemination of 2 million improved cookstoves by 2017.