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The Northern Periphery Programme 2014 – 2020


The Northern Periphery and Arctic 2014-2020 forms a cooperation between 9 programme partner countries. The NPA 2014-2020 is part of Interreg, supported by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and ERDF equivalent funding from non EU partner countries. Despite geographical differences, the large programme area shares a number of joint challenges and opportunities that can best be overcome and realised by transnational cooperation.

The Northern Periphery and Arctic 2014-2020 Programme is part of the European Territorial Cooperation Objective, also known as Interreg, in the framework of the cohesion policy, supported by the European Regional Development Fund. The programme operates in a multi-layered policy landscape, making it well positioned to contribute to and align with the Europe 2020 Strategy, national and regional policies and development strategies, macro regional and sea basin strategies, and other programmes covering parts of the geographical area. In addition, increased interest and rapid developments in Arctic regions have resulted in a more explicit recognition of the programme’s Arctic dimension in regional development.

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