The National Autonomous University of Mexico was founded on September 21, 1551 with the name of the Royal and Pontifical University of Mexico. It is the largest and most important university in Mexico and Latin America. Its primary purpose to serve the country and humanity, train professionals useful to society, organize and conduct research, mainly about the national conditions and problems, and spread as widely as possible, the benefits of culture.
Research Program Climate Change (PINCC)
The Research Program on Climate Change is a proposed multi-institutional and multidisciplinary program that looks to integrate innovative research in scientific and technological fields, including social and economic sciences, in order to explore sustainable solutions to the challenge of climate change.
Lines of action
The program, as mentioned above, will have a structure of three working groups, similar to the IPCC: the scientific basis; impacts, vulnerability and adaptation; and mitigation policies. The work of the three groups will crossover and form a comprehensive approach to research. The priority activities initially proposed for this program are:
- Agriculture & Food
- Air quality and emissions inventories of greenhouse gases
- Observed physical changes and climate change scenarios
- Current economic conditions and future scenarios
- International context
- Ecosystems and biodiversity
- Energy
- Extreme events
- Forest
- Human resources training and dissemination
- Water resources
- Health
- Coastal areas