United Nations Foundation

When disaster strikes, the world turns to one organization for hope, help, leadership, and coordination: the United Nations. When there is peace to keep between warring factions, the world asks the UN to mobilize peacekeepers, oversee elections, and create stability. In the face of challenges such as climate change, disease or poverty, the United Nations provides the platform for international cooperation.
The United Nations is the one international organization with the reach and vision capable of solving global problems.
The United Nations Foundation links the UN’s work with others around the world, mobilizing the energy and expertise of business and non-governmental organizations to help the UN tackle issues including climate change, global health, peace and security, women’s empowerment, poverty eradication, energy access, and U.S.-UN relations.
The United Nations Foundation is honored to work with you and the United Nations to foster a more peaceful, prosperous and just world.
Our solutions
It takes all nations and all sectors to make progress on the most important and far-reaching international challenges. We are an advocate for the United Nations and a platform for connecting people, ideas and resources to help the UN solve global problems. We build partnerships, grow constituencies, mobilize resources and advocate policy changes to support the UN’s work for individual and global progress.
Working with the UN
The United Nations was established to foster global peace, prosperity and justice. It has succeeded in its fundamental mission of preventing a third world war and improving global quality of life. But over the last 60 years, the UN’s mission and membership have been broadened dramatically.
The UN is now asked to tackle the world’s most intractable problems—global scale challenges that transcend borders but directly or indirectly affect us all: health, the environment, human rights and justice, peace and security, population, hunger and peacekeeping. The UN has a proud record of accomplishment in helping address key global challenges.
In today’s interconnected world, governments working through the United Nations can’t do it alone. A worldwide partnership between the public and private sectors is needed involving individuals, non-governmental organizations, corporations and foundations.
We work with UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and theUN Office of Partnerships to connect people, ideas and resources with the UN to solve the great global challenges of the 21st century.