VU Amsterdam

Vrije Universiteit (VU) Amsterdam is a leading European research university established in 1880. With 24,000 students and about 4,500 staff VU is a modern organization at the cutting edge of academic higher education. Education is provided at three levels: Bachelor’s (BA, BSc), Master’s (MA, MSc) and doctoral (PhD). Twelve faculties share a single campus and cover a wide spectrum of arts, sciences and medicine.
VU Amsterdam hosts serveal research institutes, including the Amsterdam Global Change Institute (AGCI), and the Institute for Environmental Studies (IVM):
- AGCI investigates the interactions between people, socio-economic change and the global environment. Through focused integrated research, AGCI contributes to informing and shaping sustainable societal choices and innovations for Europe and beyond.
- IVM’s mission is to contribute to sustainable development and to care for the environment through scientific research and teaching. A unique feature of the IVM institute its capacity to cut through the complexity of natural-societal systems through novel interdisciplinary approaches.
VU also hosts several research centres, including the Amsterdam Centre for World Food Studies, which brings together a broad range of researchers with the ambition to foster interdisciplinary cooperation in research, education and outreach around food and nutrition security.