
Wellcome supports science to solve the urgent health challenges facing everyone. We support discovery research into life, health and wellbeing, and we’re taking on three worldwide health challenges: mental health, infectious disease and climate.
Wellcome is a politically and financially independent global charitable foundation, funded by a £29.1 billion investment portfolio.
Our strategy includes grant funding, advocacy campaigns and partnerships to find solutions for today’s urgent health challenges.
Our founder, Sir Henry Wellcome, was a pharmaceutical entrepreneur. Our governance is based on an updated version of his will, in which he left us his wealth, his collection of historical medical items, and our mission to improve health through research.
We’re currently in the process of developing focused goals for our strategy for climate and health, and we’ll publish more information about this soon.
We’re grateful for guidance and challenge from a small group of expert external advisers who are supporting us in our strategy development: Andy Haines, Hala Audi and Tolullah Oni.
Wellcome also funds discovery research into a broad range of disciplines, including infectious disease, population health and genomics. Insights and tools from this research will contribute to solving this health challenge, as well as increasing broader understanding of life, health and wellbeing.
More information here: https://wellcome.org/what-we-do/climate-and-health